Friday, June 29, 2007

Te koop!

Fietszadel :) nu ook met foto.

Helaas, de laptop is verkocht.

De computer staat op een bod van E 65,- nog steeds te koop.

Het vloerkleed is nog niet verkocht, maar er zijn wel erg veel geintresseerden.

Dan nog een fietszadel, het hoogste bod staat op E 7,- (Hier een foto)

De koelkast staat inmiddels al op E 45,- en is bijna verkocht, tenzij een klimmer nog intresse heeft.

En ik? Ik ben niet te koop ;)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Te koop!

Hoi lezer,

ik verkoop mijn spulletjes. Helaas heb ik niet van alles een foto, maar daarvoor zal je mijn blog even in de gaten moeten houden, want morgen staat wel alles online :)

Ik heb in de aanbieding (bekenden hebben voorrang en betalen minder :)

Laptop Compaq Evo 1050V

512 MB

25 GB

Pentium 4

CD Brander/DVD lezer


Kubuntu (nee, geen Windows dus, ik hou niet van Windows en Linux is een super alternatief)


Voor maar 400,-

Koelkast met vriezer die prima werkt.

Is al wat ouder, maar alles doet het nog en hij is helemaal schoon.

Voor maar 25,- (op marktplaats voor 40,-)

Fietszadel, die had ik gekocht maar bleek toch niet ndog, geen bonnetje meer van. Nog helemaal nieuw, geen bil heeft er op gezeten!

Selle Royal 'Holland Royal Gel'

Voor maar 10,-

Computer, ja, de tweede computer. Die kan ik niet meenemen als ik ga emigreren. Dus nu in de verkoop.

Pentium 3

30 GB

256 MB

DVD lezer, CD brander


Kubuntu én Windows XP

Plus allerlei extra programmatjes zoals Adobe, Open Office etc...

Voor maar 100,-

Ikea vloerkleed, omdat ie er nog is en als ik iemand er een plezier mee kan doen, graag!

Voor maar 5,-

Magnetron, een toppertje, want: combi van Whirlpool met de gepatenteerde 'crisp-functie'. Nog super schoon en mooi, want hij was eerst van mijn ouders.

Voor maar 50,-

Voor meer info, mij even mailen of bellen: (ik zegt geen telefoonummers op het internet...)

Alles MOET deze week weg, dus onderhandelen is mogelijk.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Karel van Dijk 07/03/1984 - 24/06/2007

Today on the Dutch news I heard about climbers who died.

It turned out to be that it was Karel, he was climbing with his friend Jeroen Smit.

Cool Karel I met many times. Every time when there was something to do with students and climbing he was there. Like on the Dutch Student Championships, and also with the GSAC in Céüse.

d.d. Sunday June 24 2007, time 11:30.

Location: East side Klockerin (3425m), Glockner area Austria.

Karel and Jeroen slept in the Schwarzenberghütte refuge and left at 7:20 towards Klockerin.

They didn't take the normal route, (guide time 4 hours from refuge over Gruberscharte and south ridge) but took the south-east side a 'firn'wall with a big rocky ridge in the middle.

At 11:30 they were at about 150m under the ridge when above them a wet snow mass came loose. They were taken in the flood in which Karel got deadly injured. Jeroen was heavily injured and could alarm the rescue services.

Jeroen is now in 'Landeskrankenhaus' in Salzburg.

They both were expirienced alpinists. They were on rope.

The Austrian police estimates that they fell in between 100 and 200 metres.

Karel was a very happy, positive and enthausiastic person who was respected by all climbers.

Sometimes the mountains are too beautiful. Sometimes you want to hate them. But always respect them.

I wish all good to his family, friends, clumbing mates...

For more information, see this link for condoleances and more.


As you can see (third blog message on one day) I have nothing to do today (except the homework things).

And I just texted my climbing friend. Me, happy as a little 3-year old kid because I could finally go out and climb again! I really can't wait to get to the gym!

I hope I'm not addicted to climbing...

2 weeks to go

Today it's just two weeks before I'll move to Iceland.
And there are still many things to do. One of the most important is my school.
My motivation of doing my work goeds down by the hour. Especially with this rain here. For more then 2 weeks it's raining now. Sometimes a bit of sun, but never for long.
For moving I have to sell a lot of stuff too. Like my fridge. My microwave. A computer. And I still have loads of food here, like pancake mix and rice. Anybody interested? Mail me and take my stuff...the food is free (any poor students? ;)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Language problems

Sometimes I notice that I type so much bullshit English that I get worried. I get the feeling that I'm stupid and stuff. I even check this little piece of text 50 times.

So...maybe you could help me by giving some comments when I'm wrong in my English?
But, better shit in English then look like shit...

Friday, June 22, 2007


So, tell me that you've done this too: legally climb a building in a city center and get filmed, in the newspapers, get interviews...

It was cool, and I was so lucky: I even did it 4 times! The whole building, from the start left under till the top right around the corner is 6c/7a. Its starts easy but the end is hard, especially when the metal is warm.

Itziar Ocariz is a feminist artist and had the idea of that you can use the public spaces around you in more ways then just wak on the pavement. So she had the idea of climb a building as a performance act on Festival aan de Werf, June 2007.

And I was 'the chosen one'.

Hello again after months!

Ok, ok, you're right, I have to keep up my blog...I'm just a bit lazy and don't take the time for internet things like this.

I'm more into climbing, but these days even more into finishing my studies.
I've got big plans, which are even a bit scary. I'm nervous for it.

I'm going to move to a very very cold and far away island somewhere north, called Iceland.

I'll fly at monday the 9th of July and before you're all invited to my 'goodbye party' in Klimmuur Utrecht (sorry John if it's too far away for you to fly all the way to overhere ;)

But for all the others: you're invited :)

For now: work again, more and more and rest a bit for the upcoming competition (tomorrow a Dutch competition in Haarlem) As always I'm way too nervous and way too much thinking about it. Just keep up your thumbs you all so I'll do well (thanks).