Monday, August 08, 2011

Biz Badile, Oberalppass and Chamonix: Summer?

Finally, we did it. What an adventure it was. The weather was good (for just one day, when we came back in the valley it rained again).
Meanwhile a lot of things 'happened'. We traveled through Swiss, visited Chur and the Oberalppass and climbed a horrible but nice (how is that possible?) 10 pitch slab.
Now we 'landed' (or stranded) in Chamonix, as the weather was supposed to be best in the West Alps. Still it's raining here and no weather to get onto the higher mountains.
We're walking around in Cham, internetting in the Mac Donalds and uploading the unfinished version of our Piz Badile video.
Now up to the guide office to figure more about the routes we intend to climb :)
Photo's: Piz Badile and others.

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