Beste mede-klimmers,
afgelopen november 2012 organiseerden we in samenwerking met Petzl, klimhal Monte Cervino en de NKBV het Dutch Drytool Event.
Vele mensen deden enthousiast mee ondanks het slechte weer.
Helaas was niet iedereen even eerlijk deze dag.
Er zijn 5 paar ijsbijlen verdwenen.
Dat is dus tien Petzl Nomic ijsbijlen.
Met een nieuwwaarde van €240-250.
Een simpel rekensommetje leert dat er deze dag dus voor €2500,- aan materiaal is ontvreemd.
Zoals jullie kunnen begrijpen zijn de distributeur van Petzl (die de bijlen gratis te beschikking had gesteld voor het evenement), het bedrijf Petzl zelf en de andere organisatoren hier niet gelukkig mee.
Het verdwijnen van de ijsbijlen had onder andere als gevolg dat er geen leen-bijlen meer ter beschikking gesteld waren na het evenement.
Voor iedereen zonder ijsbijlen is het nu dus onmogelijk om de routes te proberen, terwijl het introduceren van de sport bij een groter publiek juist ons hoofddoel was van het evenement.
Ook zal er voor het volgende evenement veel strengere eisen gesteld moeten worden aan de deelnemers, wat het misschien minder aantrekkelijk maakt om deel te nemen met het evenement.
En, logischerwijs heeft een verlies van €2500,- gevolgen voor de toekomstige financiering van het evenement.
Om het nog maar niet te hebben over het geschonden vertrouwen.
De distributeur van Petzl in de BeNeLux was desalniettemin zeer enthousiast over het evenement en wil degenen die het materiaal hebben meegenomen een laatste kans geven:
Breng vóór 28 februari 2013 de bijlen terug bij klimhal Monte Cervino en er zullen geen gevolgen zijn.
Worden 10 de Petzl Nomic ijsbijlen niet terug gebracht voor deze datum, dan zal er aangifte worden gedaan.
Let op: alle serienummers van de bijlen zijn bekend bij Petzl. Sommige van de bijlen waren prototypes ("sample not for sale"), wanneer je klimt met prototypes zonder toestemming van Petzl, ben je niet verzekerd.
Koop of verkoop je bijlen met een gestolen serienummer, ook al heb je ze niet zelf gestolen, dan ben je alsnog medeplichtig (heling).
Vinden wij de bijlen na 28 februari 2013 terug, dan zullen we alsnog actie ondernemen en o.a. aangifte doen tegen degene die de bijlen op dat moment in bezit heeft/te koop aanbiedt.
Twijfel je aan de herkomst van de ijsbijlen die je hebt gekocht of gekregen, aarzel niet contact op te nemen met mij of Petzl BeNeLux (
Ik nodig iedereen uit om mee te helpen zoeken en er voor te zorgen dat we onze eigen reputatie hoog kunnen houden: klimmers stelen toch niet van andere klimmers?!
Help mee het Dutch Drytool Event een nog groter succes te maken in 2013.
Alvast bedankt, namens alle organisatoren,
Marianne van der Steen
Monday, February 18, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Good luck - Bad luck
Back in the Netherlands again.
After more then a month of just travelling and climbing.I've seen amazing things, met beautiful people, shared so much happiness.

Luck and hard work gave me the opportunity to travel all the way to Ouray, Saas Fee, Rabenstein, Bad Gastein, Busteni...
Sometimes luck was bad luck, like the day I realised I had the flu that everyone had been bugging for weeks.
I thought my immune system would do better.
Since Saas Fee I'd been sick. The flu going up and down in different stages.
But it didn't really stop me from climbing.
It was so great to swing my tools in the Bad Gastein ice, it was so much fun to see Dennis win a sheep, and actually I had to laugh when we got a plate of undefinable fat meat again in our crappy Romanian hotel.
I think everyone in Busteni was lucky last weekend, because no one died, even when the belayers gave slack all the way to the ground, it was still all 'o.k.'

I learned this week that, when you work really hard, you can get a lot of things done.
I also learned that when you work really hard other people will try to profit from you. And some of those in a very mean and unfair way.
Like the man that promised me coaching, training, support... But in return took all I worked for and now claims it for himself and now even tries to exclude me from all that I worked for.
And like the woman in the hotel that stole my passport, price-money I won in Ouray, insurance card and visa documents.
Like the Bulgarian guys that robbed me in France.
And the people that stole my clothes, sleepingbag, stove and more.
Those people took away immense opportunities for me.
They didn't just steal money.
They stole a piece of my life.
All this money I lost in the past months made it that I had to decide that I can't go to Canada next month with the Alpine Mentor Programme.
Even now that I work full-time this week, next week...
Still have to pay tax, insurance, rent, food.
And I need to climb.
To the ones that stole a piece of my life:
You are pathetic, mean, low, sad, worthless people.
Life is so much easier when you live in a cave in sunny Southern France.
Monday, February 04, 2013
Bauernmeisterschaft Rabenstein 2013
We were on the weirdest event ever.
The Rabensteiner Bauernmeisterschaften.
Where local farmers do a relay with hay-sledging and iceclimbing.
And when you win, you get a sheep. What better price could you ever imagine! Just 'priceless' :)
See here the result.
(Oh, yes, that song is Dutch, about a yodel-boy, thats why...)
Bauernmeisterschaft Rabenstein 2013 from Marianne van der Steen on Vimeo.
The Rabensteiner Bauernmeisterschaften.
Where local farmers do a relay with hay-sledging and iceclimbing.
And when you win, you get a sheep. What better price could you ever imagine! Just 'priceless' :)
See here the result.
(Oh, yes, that song is Dutch, about a yodel-boy, thats why...)
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Bauernmeisterschaft Rabenstein 2013 from Marianne van der Steen on Vimeo.
Variante Babylon video report
The story in moving images:
Variante Babylon, Eisarena 270m WI7- M9 from Marianne van der Steen on Vimeo.
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Variante Babylon, Eisarena 270m WI7- M9 from Marianne van der Steen on Vimeo.
Saturday, February 02, 2013
Urban Ice 2013
Urban Ice 2013 was awesome.
Super generous, kind and helpful people, great audience, and nice performance by all the climbers!
Dennis did great and won :)
I was just as slow as usual but had the great honor to climb agains Sepp Inhöger and ended 16th.
Great party b.t.w.
Friday, February 01, 2013
Variante Babylon WI7 M9 (M8?) Bad Gastein
Okay, so we climbed the long ice thing in they valley.
Now it’s time for our original objective.
Actually, I was confused with what the objective was.
We talked so much about freeclimbing an old aid line, that I for some reason thought that was our objective.
Dennis seemed more aware on what to climb.
As I’m still feeling sick even after the forced hot-weather-melting-ice-restday yesterday we decided I should do the first pitch and see what I feel like on the rest of the route.
We were the only ones today in the valley. The avalanches from the previous day showed us we’d made the right choice on taking a restday yesterday. Today the Eisarena was one big frozen cold mass again.
We geared up and I climbed the first pitch of the route.
The ice seemed dry from a distance but felt wet and delaminated when I swung my axes.
It sometimes hardly held my feet, making me kick more then three times every move.
Some people call the soft ice ‘ego-ice’ as it takes your axes so easily by just swinging once every move. Leadclimbing in such conditions is different...If my axes get in that easily, I thought, then how easy would it be to rip out again...?
I got a good look at the mixed pitch we were about to climb.
With in mind that this was ‘Rodeo’ and old AID line that had never been freeclimbed.
Two days ago I saw the climbers pulling on the slings and pitons in the pitch, so I was quite conveinced this must be the AID line.
Insecure as I always am I decided it would be good if Dennis would try this pitch and if he couldn’t make it, I’d try it.
The small dagger Dennis’ was traversing to barely touched, totally delaminated and way smaller then two days ago.
Dennis placed his axes as high as possible in the fragile thing, balancing, hardly touching with his feet.
He made it through and we were both happy he could clip a fixed nut.
Next was a iced crack for seven or eight moves.
Dennis desperately hammered his axes in, and mentioned to me that it felt like his axe was moving. Like the pick or the head of the iceaxe had loosened.
This was not the time for bailing gear, so we kind of ignored it.
On top of the crack the small ice curtain was winking to him, get me, swing me, come closer.
Thats where the route was heading, but as all the ice that could be used two days ago had melted away, it was a super long reach to the wet curtain.
Waiting, watching, moving for a bit and finally really reaching, Dennis made it to the curtain, hastily moved to the top part with his axes to place a blue Totem cam in the horizontal crack above him.
Now I was safe to head for the huge hanging ice above me.
I precisely placed my feet and slowly moved up in the big wet snowy curtain.
Luckily for me there was already some sort of feet feature.
Slowly working my way up the curtain getting stupidly pumped being very nervous.
Finally the curtain seemed to be sort-of attached to the wall and I placed my first screw.. Pfff... what a relieve.
Not much later he screamed. I’d never heard him scream like that!
I knew straight away that he was falling.
I was instantly 100% alert and bright, but the rope never came snug.
“I fell” he screamed down, “but it’s okay”.
WTF, it’s okay?
He shortly explained his heroic Vertical Limit action. Both hands and feet ripped out of the snowy wet ice, but he managed to swing his axes back into the soft ice and it held over a meter lower...
Soon after he made belay in slightly better ice all shaky from the adrenaline boost rushing through him.
Later we discussed the 'fall' a couple times and came to the conclusion that Dennis saved himself because of his speedclimbing experience.
On the speed comps it often happens that you 'rip' out of the ice, and then you always try to get back in as fast as you can.
So, speedclimbing is helpful for outdoor iceclimbing after all :)
Later we discussed the 'fall' a couple times and came to the conclusion that Dennis saved himself because of his speedclimbing experience.
On the speed comps it often happens that you 'rip' out of the ice, and then you always try to get back in as fast as you can.
So, speedclimbing is helpful for outdoor iceclimbing after all :)
Marianne’s turn.
I couldn’t see her and had to keep the rope loose to avoid pulling off all the ice that she still had to climb.
Slowly she climbed through the melting dagger into the granite crack. I heard she didn’t hammer here axes in, trusting on the newly created ice holds in the crack.
Big mistake...
She later told me she took a hold, what turned out to be a bad foothold. *pop* off...
I’m trying to keep the rope tight but I don’t want to brake the fragile ice above Marianne. Unable to see under roof I haul up the rope bit by bit. Suddenly there is a small jerk on the rope. I try to tighten the rope and hear a little shriek.. The next moment the rope comes fully tight end there is a huge piece of ice tumbling down... Marianne your oke!?
I swung down, stretching the rope all the way back mid-air to the height of our previous belay taking with me a good bit of the big curtain above me that wrapped around the rope.
One iceaxe in my mouth, one iceaxe in my hand made it hard to scream but made nice teethmarks on my axe.
Okay, second try. Disappointed, should have done this in once!
I started again, onto the small dagger, into the crack, avoiding the wrong hold and making sure my axes stuck inside the iced-up crack.
This time trying to communicate a bit more I hear Marianne is coming closer. She made it through the crack section traversed and climbed the curtain nicely. From here on it’s still 100m+ to go so Marianne climbs up the WI5 ice stretching the 50 M single rope to the max. I start following when the rope is all gone. Still very wobbly and insecure now the adrenaline is gone I’m going very slow. Also not sure that Marianne made belay already. After a slushy pitch I find Marianne in the middle of the waterfall. She got stuck here because she ran out of rope.
So I start leading very careful trying to knockdown as little ice as possible. I’m starting to feel less and less secure now the last bit of adrenaline is gone... Getting higher running out of rope and only 10 more meters through the gully to top out I’m stuck. No more rope.
No more quickdraws only 2 screws. So I yell to Marianne to start climbing place the 2 screws put them together fixed my Microtraxion and climbed on very slowly but secure avoiding any ice fall.
All the time we got showered by snow, the higher we got the worse it became. Although the last section wasn’t as hard as the first pitches it wasn’t comfortable to climb. The snow was painful on my face but I was warm, and had enough energy. I still felt sick, headache, cough, and a painful body, but I didn’t care, as this was probably the most real iceclimbing I’d do these weeks.
And then Dennis told me he was happy we climbed Babylon. Ow, right. I thought we were in Rodeo, trying to freeclimb it all. Right, that gave me such a different mindset. Oh well, whatever, it was nice anyway :)
We topped out in the snow and hiked down through the old avalanches.
Happy we’d done it and happy we were safe we rolled down the hill.
Now I really need to rest as the cold fever isn’t getting any better. Just a couple more days my dear body, just a couple more and then you have weeks to recover. Come on now!
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