
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dutch championships and travelling

Finally, it was there, the Dutch Championships Leadclimbing 2006.
And I lost...I became 14th, or, last.
Unfortunately its late now (11:36 PM) and I'm tired, so I don't have mucht time to write about it.
But, it was fun in the end.
And now the next thing: my next trip! To Iceland. Tomorrow I'll fly to Iceland. All on my own. Pritty cool, I've never been that far away from home on my own. But, really, I wont be lonely. I've got some good friends there, and one in special: Valdimar. Hey, thanks man, that I can stay there with you, and that you have time for me, so that we can do things (like climbing).
Its going to be really cool and I can't wait till they all are there as well. "Wat do you mean with that"..I hear you thinking...well...Valdi and his friends will arrive many hours later. Si I'll be there with his mum, brother and sister, without anyone I know in person...Strange situation, but I can't help it. Flying one day later will cost me 300 euro's more, so that wasn't an option.
Well...I'll go asleep now and see what all the days will bring.
I'll be back in two weeks.
See ya! (Yahoo!)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

NK Sportklimmen 2006

This weekend must be my weekend!
We have the official Dutch Championships Leadclimbing!
I'm fucking nervous and I can't wait till its all over, but I'll survive and enjoy the climbing...
What can I do against this nerves :S

Wresting Competition

I will win...some time... Two days ago Arnoud was irritating me, so we started wrestling (as we usually do) And he won. Again. But, this time it was all diffrent. His girfriend suddenly joined us. So then it was two against one, and then another guy Arjen, joined us, and then another girl, Suus joined us! So it was one big gangbang on the matresses of the gym (during opening times). People were filming us, and jelling against us, and it was fun! An hour later my boss told me I had some ink under my eye. I tried to take it away with some water, but it hurt. It became bigger and bigger and on the end of the evening I had a black eye. Oops...And I didn't even notice it during wrestling.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Iceland here I come

Sill, loads of things to do first before I go.
In one week time, I have to finish all my homework, including an essay of 5 pages and a review of a big interview.
But its all good and fun. Becuase I go to Iceland for two weeks!
Climbing and more and especially: climbing.
Do you wanna rock? :)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Climbing, climbing and even more...climbing

Gosh, isn't there anything else I do on those days? Probably not. because when I'm not climbing I feel sad and bored.
More then a week ago I had the last Promotion Competition of this season. The last chanch to get a qualification for the Ducht Championships. And, I'd made it! Even still that I fucked it up, because I was so nervous (again).
One week later, last weekend, I had the next competition. The qualifications for the Dutch Bouldering Champs. Really cool qualification. Because you can boulder all together except in the finals. I'd made it to the finals, easily. But then there were those finals...And that was really shit. really. I was so nervous! I became even a little sick with it, and sometimes it was all black in front of my eyes. I haven't been that nervous for a long time. I knew I could make it to the Champs, but, this time, I just couldn't hold on the grips anymore. So...I became seventh. And I had to become sixth to join the finals on the second of december...
I had to cry, when I was at home again. Syupid me, why, why can I be that nervous?
Okay, next year maybe better... next year I'll make it all.